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satellite communications network造句

"satellite communications network"是什么意思  
  • Communications between satellite communication network and hf uhf communication networks
  • To exert the system capability, and to provide more distance education functions, connections of this campus system to internet and to satellite communication networks are further studied
  • Then, this paper studies how to apply optical cdma in satellite communication network, studies for intra-satellite optical communication network, satellite optical communication access network, and satellite optical communication backbone network separately, it is worth to going further
  • According to the mean message traversal, the performance of leo / meo mobile satellite communication networks with intersatellite links ( isls ) is analyzed in this paper . three different traffic patterns are used in the analysis . if the isl number per satellite increases, the advantage of packet switch is more significant than that of circuit switch
  • It's difficult to see satellite communications network in a sentence. 用satellite communications network造句挺难的
如何用satellite communications network造句,用satellite communications network造句satellite communications network in a sentence, 用satellite communications network造句和satellite communications network的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。